Book Cover
In Doubt: The Psychology of the Criminal Justice Process (Dan Simon)USC Gould School of Law
Harvard University PressUSC Gould School of Law
Harvard University PressHarvard University Press


Exonerations Databases

The National Registry of Exonerations: (Link)

DNA exoneree database: (Link)

Innocence Organizations

The Innocence Project: (Link)

Center for Wrongful Convictions at Northwestern University Law School: (Link)

The Innocence Network: (Link)

Wisconsin Innocence Project: (Link)

The North Carolina Center on Actual Innocence: (Link)

California Innocence Project: (Link)

Northern California Innocence Project: (Link)

Ohio Innocence Project: (Link)

Centurion Ministries: (Link)

The Innocence Network (UK): (Link)

State Innocence Review Commissions

North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission: (Link)

Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK): (Link)

Inquiries, Reports

Department of Justice (1996). Convicted by juries, exonerated by science: Case studies in the use of DNA evidence to establish innocence after trial. (Link)

National Academy of Sciences Report (2009). Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward: (Link)

California Commission on the Fair Administration of Justice: (Link)

Report of former Illinois Governor George Ryan's Commission on Capital Punishment: (Link)

Urban Institute, Post Conviction DNA Testing and Wrongful Conviction: (2012): (Link)

Innocence Commission of Virginia: (Link)

General Accounting Office (1990). Death penalty sentencing: Research indicates pattern of racial disparities. Washington, DC: General Accounting Office, (Link)

Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General of the Oversight and Review Division (2006). A review of the FBI's handling of the Brandon Mayfield case. Washington, DC. (Link)

Snyder, L., McQuillian, P., Murphy, W.L., & Joselson, R. (2007). Report on the conviction of Jeffrey Deskovic. (Link)

Canadian Inquiry Regarding the Guy Paul Morin case: (Link)

Canadian Inquiry Regarding the Thomas Sophonow case: (Link)

Predicting Erroneous Convictions: A Social Science Approach to Miscarriages of Justice (National Institute of Justice report): (Link)


The Innocence Blog: (Link)

The Wrongful Convictions Blog: (Link)

False Confessions, The Center for Wrongful Convictions, Northwestern University School of Law: (Link)

Wrongful Convictions, The Center for Wrongful Convictions, Northwestern University School of Law: (Link)

Crime & Consequences: (Link)

Professional Associations

International Association of Chiefs of Police: (Link)

National Association of District Attorneys: (Link)

National Association for Criminal Defense Lawyers: (Link)

American Bar Association, Criminal Justice Section: (Link)

American Judicature Society: (Link)

American Psychology-Law Society: (Link)

American Society of Trial Consultants: (Link)

Crown Prosecution Service (UK): (Link)

Legal Sources

Federal Rules of Evidence: (Link)

Police and Criminal evidence Act ("PACE"), (UK, 1984): (Link)

Judicial Council of California (2012). Criminal jury instructions. (Link)

Conviction Integrity Units

Dallas County, TX, Conviction Integrity Unit: (Link)

Manhattan, NY, Conviction Integrity Unit: (Link)

Santa Clara County, CA, Conviction Integrity Unit: (Link)

Research Institutes

National Institute of Justice: (Link)

National Center for State Courts: (Link)

American Judicature Society, Center for Forensic Science and Public Policy: (Link)

Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas (LEMIT): (Link)

NYU, Center on the Administration of Criminal Law: (Link)

The Center on Media, Crime and Justice, the John Jay College of Criminal Justice: (Link)

Federal Judicial Center: (Link)

Eyewitness Identification

New Jersey:

  1. Attorney General Guidelines for Preparing and Conducting Lineup Identification Procedures: (Link)

  2. NJ Supreme Court decision in State v. Henderson (August 2011): (Link)

  3. Expanded jury instructions (July 2012): (Link)

  4. New court rule mandating the recording of identification procedures (July 2012): (Link)

Texas Eyewitness Identification Model Policy: (Link)

Police Chiefs' Association of Santa Clara County, Line-Up Protocol for Law Enforcement, (Link)

Suffolk County District Attorney's Office, Report of the task Force on Eyewitness Evidence, (Link)

Wisconsin Attorney General, Eyewitness Identification Best Practices: (Link)

Eyewitness Identification, materials for simulating an identification (courtesy of Gary Wells): (Link)

Summary of reforms of eyewitness identification procedures, by state: (Link)

Decision by Oregon Supreme Court reforming admissibility of identifications: (Link)


John E. Rein and Associates, Inc.: (Link)

Schollum, M. (2005). Investigative interviewing: The literature. Wellington, NZ: Office of the Commissioner of Police: (Link)

National Policing Improvement Agency (2009). National investigative interviewing strategy. (Link)

The Case for Recording Police Interrogations, by Thomas P. Sullivan, Andrew W. Vail, & Howard W. Anderson III: (Link)

Summary of reforms regarding the recording of interrogations, by state: (Link)


About Guilt and Innocence: The Origins, Development, and Future of Constitutional Criminal Procedure, by Donald Dripps, (Praeger, 2002): (Link)

Actual Innocence: When Justice Goes Wrong and How to Make it Right, by Barry Scheck, Peter Neufeld, & Jim Dwyer (Doubeday, 2000): (Link)

Convicting the Innocent, by Edwin M. Borchard (Yale University Press, 1932).

Convicting the Innocent: Where Criminal Prosecutions Go Wrong, by Brandon L. Garrett (Harvard University Press, 2011): (Link)

Conviction of the Innocent: Lessons From Psychological Research, by Brian Cutler (American Psychological Association, 2011). (Link)

Criminal Investigations and Confessions, by Fred E. Inbau, John E. Reid, Joseph P. Buckley, & Brian C. Jayne (Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012): (Link)

Not Guilty, by Jerome Frank and Barbara Frank (Doubleday, 1957).

Ordinary Justice: How America Holds Court, by Amy Bach (Metropolitan Books, 2009): (Link)

Picking Cotton, by Jennifer Thompson-Cannino, Ronald Cotton, & Erin Torneo (St. Martin's Press, 2009): (Link)

Police Interrogation and American Justice, by Richard A. Leo (Harvard University Press, 2009): (Link)

Prosecution Complex: America's Race to Convict and Its Impact on the Innocent, by Daniel S. Medwed (NYU Press, 2012): (Link)

The Collapse of American Criminal Justice, by William J. Stuntz (Harvard University Press, 2011): (Link)

The Innocence Commission: Preventing Wrongful Convictions and Restoring the Criminal Justice System, by Jon B. Gould (NYU Press, 2007).

The Wrong Guys: Murder, False Confessions, and the Norfolk Four, by Tom Wells and Richard A. Leo (The New Press: 2008): (Link)

Documentary Films

After Innocence, Jessica Sanders, Director, Writer, Producer (2005): (Link)

The Thin Blue Line, Earl Morris, Director (1988): (Link)

Death By Fire, Frontline, Jesee Deeter, Director (2010): (Link)

Paradise Lost (3), HBO Documentaries, Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky, Directors (2012): (Link)

The Confessions, Frontline series, PBS, Ofra Bickel, Director (2010): (Link)

The Trials of Darryl Hunt, Ricki Stern and Anne Sundberg, directors (2006): (Link)

What Jennifer Saw Frontline series, PBS, Ben Loeterman, Director & Producer (1997): (Link)


Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics: (Link)

Death Penalty Information Center: (Link)

Thomas, C. (2010). Are juries fair? Ministry of Justice Research Series 1/10 (UK). (Link)

The Crime Report: (Link)

The Justice Project (2007). Expanded discovery in criminal cases; A policy review. (Link)